Monday, 3 December 2012

Winter Essentials

I am sure, like me you've noticed the start of December has seen a drop in temperature and a bit of a chill in the air - it's FRRREEEEZING! So, I thought I'd write a post on three of my winter handbag must-haves.

I'll start from the top ...

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream - Skin Protectant
This cult product is something I simply won't leave the house without, especially when there is a bite in the air - it claims to soothe and calm irritated skin, and that's exactly what it does. During the colder months, when the central heating is blasting, I notice I get dry patches on my skin (and as scaly is not such a good look), dabbing this on moisturises, eases itching and quickly sorts out any such problems. I also find this is good as a lip balm and on any dry or cracked skin on my hands. It is quite costly, though lasts absolutely ages - I've had this tube for over a year as you can probably tell from the packaging, which has been updated. One of the only downsides to this products is it's strong smell. I don't mind it's almost herbal scent, it smells like it should be good for you! I think I have read somewhere Elizabeth Arden have toned it down slightly.

Vaseline Lip Therapy - Rosy Lips
This is my go to product for those low maintenance days, all the goodness of Vaseline Original with a hint of a rosy colour. I love the pinky feminine twist on the classic blue and white tin, it's a perfectly sized for pockets or make-up bags and keeps my lips moisturised and chap-free throughout the colder weather.

Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream
This is the absolute daddy of hand creams! I seem to be able to tell winter is round the corner by the state of my hands, the minute the temperature drops, I see chapping and cracked skin, especially between my fingers and on my knuckles. I have tried SO many hand creams - ranging from high end to own brand cheapies - this, my friends wins hands down - if you'll pardon the pun. Just a little bit, goes a very long way - sorting out all the winter skin problems above and leaving my hands soft and smooth. I also have to mention, it has a slightly 'waxy' texture, which I think is it's winning formula, you can still feel it working even after giving your hands a good scrub. If you don't have a tube, don't wait, get yourself some of this budget-friendly wonder cream!

What are your favourite winter must-have beauty items? I'd love to hear what your winter saviours are!


  1. I love the Neutrogena hand cream. So thick and creamy, yet sinks in really well. My Winter Saviours- Liz Earle moisturiser for dry skin and carmex for my lips X

    1. I love carmex too and thanks for the tip on the Liz Earle Moisturiser, i'll have to try it! :)
